The capital city’s key attractions such as the Temple of Literature, Phu Khanh Pagoda, Tao Sach Pagoda, Hoe Nhai Pagoda, Thang Long Imperial Citadel, Hoa Lo prison, and Ngoc Son Temple have settled to a “new normal”.

At Thang Long Imperial Citadel

Meanwhile, the walking space around Hoan Kiem Lake is allowed to resume activities from March 12.

The attractions ordered visitors to wear face masks, use hand sanitizers, and keep a safe distance during their stay.

According to Director of the Temple of Literature’s Centre for Scientific and Cultural Activities Le Xuan Kieu, the relic site was sterilized before reopening for tourists while QR Code for online healthcare declaration and information boards on COVID-19 prevention are displayed prominently in many places.

Chairing a meeting between the city’s Steering Board for COVID-19 Prevention and Control and districts on March 8, Vice Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Chu Xuan Dung stressed that localities need to maintain prevention measures, and prepare for the next wave of COVID-19.

Communications work should be enhanced to raise public awareness of the pandemic prevention, particularly the Ministry of Health’s 5K message: khau trang (facemask), khu khuan (disinfection), khoang cach (distance), khong tu tap (no gathering) and khai bao y te (health declaration).

Source: VNA