The event was attended by representatives of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Committee of Ho Chi Minh City.

The two sides sign the cooperation agreement.

Accordingly, each year, the Ho Chi Minh City Association for the Protection of Nature and Environment will donate a significant number of seedlings and agricultural materials to Naval Region 4 in order to implement the program "Greening Truong Sa" and afforest Cam Ranh Military Base. The set goal is to plant 100,000 trees each year and reach 1.5 million trees by 2030.

Vice President of the VFF Committee of Ho Chi Minh City Pham Minh Tuan speaks at the event.

Speaking at the event, Vice President of the VFF Committee of Ho Chi Minh City Pham Minh Tuan said that the signing for the program is meaningful. It demonstrated commitment and collective efforts of the community to improve the environmental landscape, improving the material and spiritual life for officers, soldiers, and people on islands as well as encourage them to continuously safeguard national sovereignty over sea and islands.”

Rear Admiral Nguyen Anh Tuan, Commander of Naval Region 4, speaks at the event.

Rear Admiral Nguyen Anh Tuan, Commander of Naval Region 4, thanked the authorities and people of Ho Chi Minh City, as well as the Ho Chi Minh City Association for the Protection of Nature and Environment, for their support to the unit, troops and civilians on the Truong Sa Archipelago. He emphasized that the implementation of the program “Greening Truong Sa” is not only  a long-term mission, but also an urgent task. He expected to receive more support from local agencies, sectors, political organizations, authorities, businesses, and individuals to further carry out the program.

The delegation of Ho Chi Minh City hands over the water filtration system to Naval Region 4.

Additionally, the delegation of Ho Chi Minh city visited, presented gifts to and encouraged officers and soldiers conducting missions in Truong Sa island district. They also handed over support facilities, including a seedling nursery and a water filtration system, totally worth VND 2 billion, to Naval Region 4.

Translated by Duong Tuoi