December 31, 2021 | 12:02 (GMT+7)
Son La's five disadvantaged hamlets connected to national grid
Five disadvantaged hamlets in Chieng Kheo commune in the northern mountainous province of Son La’s Mai Son district were connected to the national grid on December 30.
At an electronic substation at Pang Sang hamlet, Chieng Kheo commune |
The move benefited 256 local households, pushing the rate of families in Chieng Kheo having electricity access to 100 percent.
Mua A Dinh, head of Pang Sang B hamlet – one of the five localities, said villagers are happy and thankful that the Party, State, and provincial authorities have paid attention and invested in developing the power system.
In August, 100 households of the Hmong ethnic minority group in two other hamlets in Chieng Sung commune of Mai Son district were also provided with electricity. An additional 904 ethnic households in the district are expected to get access to the national grid in the near future.
Source: VNA