At 7 a.m. on March 4, while aboard QNa 94916 TS fishing vessel near the Paracel Islands, fisherman Hoang Minh Nhon (born in 1998, from Thang Binh district, Quang Nam province) fell overboard and went missing.

Rescue forces transport the distressed fisherman on board the SAR 412.

By 11 a.m. on March 5, the fishing vessel discovered fisherman Hoang Minh Nhon in a weakened state after being adrift at sea for 28 hours in cold weather.

Despite the efforts of the crew-members of the QNa 94916 TS to take care of him, the condition of fisherman Hoang Minh Nhon seriously worsened, showing signs like breathing issues, chest pain, and loss of consciousness. Shortly after, Captain Tran Dinh Len from the QNa 94916 TS reached out to the Vietnam MRCC for help.

Taking fisherman Hoang Minh Nhon ashore
The distressed fisherman transferred to an ambulance

Upon receiving the information at 12:40 p.m. on March 6, Vietnam MRCC dispatched the SAR 412 ship to aid the troubled fisherman on the QNa 94916 TS vessel. By 1:18 a.m. on March 7, the rescue squad had arrived at the scene and successfully moved the victim to the SAR 412 and transferred him to the mainland for immediate medical care.

Translated by Trung Thanh