Representatives of the IEC informed the Government leader of the city’s construction progress, standout features in the enrollment, as well as modern technologies used in teaching and studying.

Speaking highly of the IEC, which applied IT extensively in operation, management, research and study, PM Phuc described it as an advanced education model, which will be considered for replication nationwide.

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc visits the International Education City (IEC) in the central province of Quang Ngai on July 2.

He urged the IEC’s managers to complete its education program so as to train high-quality human resources.

The IEC project is developed by Nguyen Hoang Group at proposed investment of 1.5 trillion VND (64.5 million USD). It includes international standard education program from kindergarten to post-graduation level for some 12,000 students. Construction on the city began in 2018, and it is set to open in the next two years.

Quang Nam has developed six universities and colleges in engineering, health care, vocational training and economics.

The province, in cooperation with the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (National Research University), also plans to build a hi-tech science institute with the aim of developing applications for new technologies in industries related to waste treatment, silicates, pharmaceuticals and automobile production in and around the region.

Source: VNA