The programme focuses on three priorities - promoting decent employment and an enabling environment for sustainable entrepreneurship opportunities; reducing poverty by extending social protection for all and reduce unacceptable forms of work, especially for the most vulnerable; and building effective labour market governance compliant with fundamental principles and rights and at work.

Addressing the event, Nguyen Manh Cuong, head of the MoLISA’s Department of International Cooperation, said that initial outcomes of the programmes have contributed to the adoption of the 2019 Labour Code, which became effective on January 1, 2021.

At the event

The Party Central Committee on September 3, 2019 issued a directive on strengthening the leadership and direction over the building of harmonized, stable, and progressive working relations in the new period, he noted.

Meanwhile, a social insurance reform project was also approved, along with a resolution on the renovation of salary policies and another on reforming social insurance policies.

Cuong said that Vietnam has completed the joining of four important conventions of the ILO, including the Convention 88 - Employment Service Convention, Convention 159 - Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) Convention, Convention 98 - Right to Organise and Collective

Commenting on the efficiency of the Decent Work Country Programme for Vietnam in the 2017-21 period, Le Duy Binh, an economist and policy analyst held that employment policies and programmes have brought about job opportunities for labourers, especially vulnerable groups, while maintaining low unemployment rate compared to that in the region and the world, and transforming the labour structure in a positive direction.

The programme has helped expand social welfares and improve labourers’ income, while increasing social insurance coverage, reducing illegal labour forms, especially child and forced labour, he said, adding that the labour relationship has become more effective and better suits international standards, thus improving stable employment opportunities.

Meanwhile, ILO Viet Nam Director Chang-Hee Lee recognized Vietnam’s efforts in improving labour and employment conditions, helping the country integrate deeper into the world and increase income and social welfares for labourers.

He held that 2021 marks an important milestone of the programme. However, he said that there are new challenges facing the country, including the gender-based income gap.

At the event, participants also discussed the progress and efficiency of the programme, while sharing experience on sustainable employment and cooperation methods between central agencies and localities in implementing projects within the programme’s framework.

Source: VNA