At its press conference in Hanoi on April 6, the ministry made public violations of TikTok, which entered the country in 2019.

The logo of TikTok

According to Le Quang Tu Do, head of the body’s Authority of Broadcasting and Electronic Information, previously the platform provided purely entertainment content. However, from 2022 onwards, content against the Vietnamese Party and State appeared, while other harmful ones were strongly developed, affecting Vietnamese children.

"Content on TikTok is addictive and constantly creates malicious trends," he said.

Violations on TikTok have formed a breeding ground for fake news, causing economic damage and social instability, the official said, adding that the platform has encouraged young people to imitate and follow negative and objectionable trends, distorting their perception and lifestyle, and undermined the nation's cultural values.

Given such issues, the ministry said that it will require businesses providing cross-border services be responsible for preventing and removing infringing content and information at the request of competent authorities.

Source: VNA