Commending the province’s efforts that resulted in the report of no cases of illegal fishing between 2019 and now, Hoan suggested it continue to encourage fishermen to comply with the 2017 fisheries law.

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan (third from left) inspects IUU prevention activities at the Dong Tac fishing port in Phu Yen's Tuy Hoa City.

Regarding the development of fisheries trade unions, the minister emphasized a need to reorganize the local production model by changing fisheries management and placing local fishermen at the center of activities.

Nguyen Tri Phuong, Deputy Director of the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, said all local fishing vessels that are 15 meters or longer and operate in offshore areas have installed tracking devices, with the origin of aquatic products traced in accordance with regulations.

Phu Yen has so far established five fisheries trade unions, one high-tech tuna fishing cooperative, and 119 fishing teams at sea participated by nearly 1,000 vessels.

The minister also inspected the coastal erosion site in An Chan commune, Tuy An district, requesting that the local authorities take immediate measures to ensure the safety of people's life and property during the rainy season.

He toured various agricultural development models in the province and attended a training course to update knowledge on sustainable agricultural and rural development for local leaders and officials.

Source: VNA