Reportedly, in 2023-2024 academic year, the whole district has 1,089 classrooms. However, half of them were degraded. Meanwhile, many schools were lack of dining rooms and other facilities.

Receiving books and necessities for new academic year

Knowing that school facilities affect education and training quality, right after the 2023-2024 academic year, the local People’s Committee directed its Education and Training Division and relevant units to renovate and upgrade classrooms. The district also provided VND 30 billion to the district’s Management Board of the Construction Investment Project so as to coordinate with localities to repair, renovate, and build more than 50 classrooms, 26 student dormitories, and 85 restrooms, among others.

Students and teachers at Sung Tra commune Boarding Secondary School for Ethnic Minorities are now excited for the upcoming opening ceremony of the new academic year. The school accommodates 417 ethnic minority students. The school’s Principal Pham Thi Tam noted that Sung Tra commune is home to mostly H’mong people with many difficulties facing their life.

According to Head of the Education and Training Division of Meo Vac district Bui Van Thu, in 2024-2025 academic year, the district has 53 schools with 1,070 classrooms and 30,800 students. So far, despite current difficulties, they are all ready to welcome students back to school.

Especially, in the new academic, the district also focuses on ensuring the number of students going to school, renovating and promoting education and training quality, and applying information technology to teaching and studying for the highest outcomes.

Translated by Minh Anh