PANO – People of the Chut ethnic minority in Huong Lien commune, Huong Khe, Ha Tinh have now escaped from lack of education.

10 years ago, Chut people still lived a primitive life in caves in the rainforests of the Truong Son Mountains.

In 2001, they were moved from forests by border soldiers, to the foot of a mountain to form the village of Rao Tre, which is now home to 30 families comprising 120 people.

In recent years, State policy No 135 arrived in the village and changed the lives of the Chut people.

When they were resettled in the new village, none of them knew how to read and write, but border soldiers then went to every family to mobilise people to go to class and taught them Vietnamese.

Thanks to their efforts, people in Ban Tre can now read and write and all children of school-going ages go to school, and two of them are now students at the Military Culture and Arts College in Hanoi.

Thu Nguyen