After more than a year with a lot of efforts in scientific works, he was honored as the youngest among the top ten scientists receiving the Qua Cau Vang (Golden Globe) Awards in 2022.

Overcoming hardships

Luong Van Thien was born to a farmer family in a poor village of Yen Thanh commune, Yen Mo district, Ninh Binh province. He remembered when he was a student, his parents had to work as hired laborers to pay for his education. Thien often asked for old books to self-study. He took time to study and made great efforts to acquire knowledge.

After entering the Luong Van Tuy Gifted High School, he won numerous national-level mathematics competitions. In 2010, he was admitted to the Hanoi Medical University, but he chose to enter the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications of the Hanoi University of Science and Technology. At first, his parents did not agree with his choice, but then they believed in his decision because he passed the exam to the school's talented engineer class thanks to the determination to pursue his passion for engineering.

Luong Van Thien is honored as the youngest among the top ten scientists receiving the Qua Cau Vang (Golden Globe) Awards in 2022.

During his studying, Thien was active in reading English books, newspapers, and documents to understand what he intended to do. He was among the small number of students who had two articles sent to prestigious scientific seminars namely IEEE PIMRC and IEEE ATC 2015 in Hong Kong (China). Thanks to these projects, he received a fully-funded scholarship for a PhD program at Queen's University Belfast. After completing the PhD program at the university, he worked for a big research team of communications at Southampton University in the U.K., led by well-known Prof. Lajos Hanzo.

Helpful research for the society

Five years working and living in the U.K., Thien was offered the most favorable conditions for his research. However, he decided to return to dedicate to the homeland in May 2021. His decision received a lot of skepticism. He said it did not take long for him to catch up with the teaching work and establish a research group at Phenikaa University.

When he decided to return home, he knew there would be many difficulties ahead. But he believed, where there is a will, there is a way. He always hopes to contribute to the national development.

Two years since the establishment of a research group at Phenikaa University, Dr. Luong Van Thien and his colleagues have achieved certain achievements in telecommunications technology and artificial intelligence (AI). He and his colleagues in the U.K., the U.S., and Israel have designed and optimized the receiver to transmit both radio waves and light waves, using deep learning methods based on neural networks, which significantly increases the data rate and reduces the error rate, compared to the older 4G network. These are promising technologies for the future 5G and 6G networks. It can help develop smart cities, self-driving cars, and more.

In addition to telecommunications technology, he also develops useful technological solutions for businesses and hospitals. In particular, an AI solution detecting anomalies in ADT signal has been transferred to MobiFone Telecommunications Corporation, helping detect and promptly fix mobile cells with abnormally slow downloading or uploading speed, contributing to ensuring the best user experience.

Recently, an AI solution analyzing Vietnamese immune system data was handed over to the VinUni University and VinMec Hospital, helping determine the immunity constants for Vietnamese people and find out important test parameters that are able to detect people with cancer or systemic infections. Thanks to these parameters, doctors can quickly find appropriate treatment methods for cancer patients.

Inspiring students

Apart from achievements in research, Luong Van Thien has also gained outstanding results as a tutorial. His students have won three among four scientific research student awards of the Department of Information Technology of the Phenikaa University. In addition, an article  by other three students was applied to Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference 2022 in Chiang Mai, Thailand in November 2022. In addition, he also guided seven groups of students to reach the semi-finals and finals of the Phenikaa Start-up Innovation Contest.

Thien always tries his best to inspire his students to be independent and creative in scientific research. He stressed that in order to achieve outcomes, each researcher must have determination to overcome difficulties and challenges and act in spite of fear.

In the near future, Thien wishes to develop his AIoT Lab into a strong research group, and together with students of Phenikaa University to create many good scientific works, explore useful technology solutions, contributing to solving real-life problems posed by the society with a focus on AI and IoT technologies.

According to Dr. Luong Van Thien, receiving the Qua Cau Vang Awards was just the beginning of the arduous journey ahead. He hoped that the award will inspire youngsters and the state will create more opportunities for young scientists abroad to return home and contribute to the country.

Translated by Trung Thanh