According to Tran Van Tiep, Vice Director of the park management board, breeding rare medicinal plants and orchids as well as building a rescue and preservation center for sea animals are the park’s bold strategy for biodiversity conservation.

Baby sea turtles at Nui Chua National Park

Scientific research has been carried out in coordination with competent organizations and universities to supervise changes in forest and sea resources as well as valuable animals.

As promoting biodiversity conservation in tandem with improving livelihoods for local people is an effective measure to lessen negative impacts on the nature, this year the park will continue providing the locals with preferential loans to branch out their business, and support them in shifting to the plantation of trees generating higher economic value.

Particularly, dozens of ethnic Raglai households living in the buffer zone of the park have gained stable income since fine-art groups and traditional dancing troupes were set up.

The Nui Chua National Park covers an area of 31,257 hectares, gathering forest, sea and desert. It hosts 1,504 species of plants and 345 kinds of vertebrates, including various species listed in the Vietnam Red Book.

The harsh climate combines both romantic lakes and effervescent waterfalls all year round. At a height of around 1,000m, 29,865ha of semi-tropical primeval forests on Chua Anh and Chua Em mountains are extremely bio-diverse thanks to an abundance of rainfall.

The untouched landscapes at the park like Binh Tien, Vinh Hy, Thai An, Treo Lake, Da Vach Mountain, Lo O Stream, Rai Cave pose huge potential eco-tourism development. Besides sightseeing tours, the park is developing new tourism products such as Nam Tang waterfall-Wind Hill, site for sea turtles to lay eggs, and cultural tours.

Furthermore, the park is working to improve tourism service quality, upgrade transport and tourism infrastructure, and join hands with travel companies to popularize the images of its stunning sites.

Last year, the Nui Chua National Park welcomed some 200,000 tourist arrivals.

Source: VNA