Taking samples for COVID-19 testing

The 41-year-old man resides in Xuan Phuong ward, Nam Tu Liem district, and works for a factory in the outskirts district of Dong Anh.

On January 16, he had close contact with a COVID-19 patient in Kinh Mon district, Hai Duong province, according to the Hanoi Centre for Disease Control.

He displayed symptoms of cough, fatigue and headache and went to the medical centre of Nam Tu Liem district to report his travel history on January 29. His sample test result turned out positive for the coronavirus SARS-Cov-2 one day later.

The man is now under treatment at the National Hospital for Tropical Diseases No. 2 in Dong Anh district.

Local authorities found 29 F1 cases, including seven in Nam Tu Liem district, and 22 in Dong Anh. More efforts are being made to trace F2 and F3 cases.

Source: VNA