Algerian news agency APS has run an article highlighting the former leader’s patriotism and cited a list of the most 100 outstanding people of the 20th century by the U.S.’s The Times in December 1999, on which the Vietnamese President was named in the top 20.

President Ho Chi Minh

Apart from colonized nations, he also focused on disadvantaged groups around the world, the article said, adding that the President highly valued intellectuals and had a dedicated network from different political trends both at home and abroad.

Elmoudjahid Newspaper also published an article on the occasion, saying he was the founder of the Vietnamese revolution and a symbol of the anti-colonialism movement.

The President used his talents, culture, and thoughts to serve the struggles of oppressed nations worldwide, it said.

In an article published in Tribune-diplomatique-internationale newspaper, author Larab said President Ho Chi Minh fought against the colonialists and illiteracy and for human rights.

All Algerians remember the President and other Vietnamese heroes like General Vo Nguyen Giap and Vice President Nguyen Thi Binh.

Algerie360 site also ran an article saying President Ho Chi Minh passed down a moral and political sense of responsibility to the Vietnamese people and humankind.

He attached importance to solidarity, equality, friendship, mutual understanding, cooperation, and fraternity among nations, it said.

Source: VNA