* On August 31, the Nghe An provincial Party Committee held a symposium to review the implementation of President Ho Chi Minh’s testament.

Reports at the event highlighted the values of the testament and achievements recorded by the province - the hometown of the President - over the past 50 years.

Accordingly, the province has made great efforts to follow the testament and develop the socio-economy.

The workshop also offered a chance for the province to comprehensively discuss and map out measures to further follow President Ho Chi Minh’s teachings in the coming time.

At the seminar in Nghe An province

* At the similar event held by the Hai Phong municipal Party Committee, delegates underscored the testament’s significance and the socio-economic development of the city.

Over 150 organizations and individuals were presented with certificates of merit for their outstanding achievements in the movement to study and follow President Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality, and lifestyle.

* The Chemical Officers Training School under the Chemical Corps recently held a story-telling contest to raise the awareness of the school’s staff and cadets of studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s example and to show their determination to complete all assigned missions in contribution to beautifying the image of Uncle Ho’s soldiers in the current context.

* The Staff of Military Region 4 and other relevant units organized an artistic exchange. Audiences at the event enjoyed performances in praise of the homeland, Party, President Ho Chi Minh, national seas and islands, and beautiful virtues of Uncle Ho’s soldiers.

* The Department of Logistics under Military Region 5 held a program to popularize and honor the historical value of the President’s testament in the national construction and defense cause.

At the art program co-organized by the Nhan Dan (People) Newspaper and the Management Board of the Presidential Palace’s President Ho Chi Minh relic site

* On the evening of August 31, an art program was co-organized by the Nhan Dan (People) Newspaper and the Management Board of the Presidential Palace’s President Ho Chi Minh relic site at the Hanoi Opera House to mark the 50-year realization of the President’s testament.

Artistic performances at the event praised the Party, President Ho Chi Minh, and the struggle for national salvation.

Meanwhile, the program presented documentaries featuring unforgettable moments, such as people paying last respects to President Ho Chi Minh, milestones in the national resistance wars against foreign invaders, and major achievements in the national construction and defense cause.

* The Quang Ninh provincial People’s Committee has recently debuted a photo book named “President Ho Chi Minh and Quang Ninh province.”

The book introduces photos of activities, documents, and objects about the President’s visits to the province and local sharp changes.

Translated by Van Hieu