PM Phuc said that the bilateral relations have enjoyed strong development steps after 50 years, affirming that Vietnam hopes to continue deepening the relationship between the two countries, especially in economy, trade and investment.

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc holds phone talks with Chilean President Sebastian Piñera.

President Piñera said Chile attaches importance to its traditional relationship with Vietnam, and appreciated the Vietnamese Government’s efforts to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic and maintain economic growth.

The two leaders agreed on several measures to intensify the traditional friendship and comprehensive partnership between Vietnam and Chile in the coming time, including maintaining the regular exchange of high-level delegations, carrying out cooperative mechanisms effectively and frequently, and boosting multilateral and inter-regional trade cooperation frameworks in the context of the global economy and trade seriously affected by the pandemic.

They reached consensus on strengthening connectivity between ministries, sectors, localities and enterprises of both nations to bring into full play opportunities brought in by the Vietnam-Chile Free Trade Agreement, which came into effect in January 2014, and work to implement the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) after Chile completes its approval process.

Both leaders consented to coordinate closely in carrying out activities to celebrate the 50th founding anniversary of diplomatic ties in 2021, as well as cooperating with and supporting each other at international organisations and multilateral forums, thus helping to intensify the relationship between ASEAN and the Pacific Alliance as well as to ensure peace, stability, cooperation and development in the two regions.

Source: VNA