The meeting in Hanoi took place on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s appeal for patriotic emulation (June 11, 1948 - 2023), on the sidelines of a program held by the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) in honor of the exemplars, and in response to the Action Month for Drug Prevention and Control in June.

President Vo Van Thuong greets participants in the meeting in Hanoi on June 14.

The MPS reported that each year, the drug police force has coordinated with the border guard, customs, and coast guard forces to uncover more than 23,000 drug crimes, detain over 32,000 suspects, and eradicate nearly 1,000 drug hotspots. They have also seized a large amount of drugs, weapons, equipment, and assets related to the crimes, and confiscated trillions of VND for the state budget.

However, the anti-drug crime forces have also suffered from heavy losses. Twenty-eight police officers, border guards, and civilians laid down their lives while combating drug crime. Meanwhile, more than 700 officers have got injured or exposed to HIV, according to the MPS.

In his speech, President Vo Van Thuong hailed efforts of the anti-drug crime forces, with the people’s public security force at the core, in this fierce fight.

Their unsung efforts have been recognized and highly valued by the Party, State and people, as well as the international community, he said, adding that the Fatherland will never forget the merits of those who have laid down their lives in the fight against drug crimes.

The State leader stressed that the combat against drug crimes is an important, difficult, complex, urgent, and also regular task that requires persistence and drastic actions.

President Vo Van Thuong addresses the meeting with the role models in the drug fight.

Affirming the Party and State’s viewpoint of no compromise with drug crimes, he requested that ministries and sectors have a better grasp and forecasting of the drug crime situation; advise the Party, National Assembly, and Government about directions of the fight in a timely manner; engage the entire political system and people of all social strata in drug crimes prevention and control, especially in border areas and at sea; and improve the coordination between domestic and international forces so that Vietnam won’t be turned into a drug entrepôt of the world.

In particular, it is necessary to develop a stronger drug police force and encourage people’s responsible participation in the combat for the sake of a drug-free society, President Vo Van Thuong added.

Source: VNA