Discussing the 15-year implementation of the 10th Party Central Committee’s Resolution No.27-NQ/TW on building a contingent of intellectuals in the period of stepping up industrialization and modernization, they stressed the importance of issuing a new resolution on this issue.

Delegates attend the 13th Party Central Committee's 8th plenum. 

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha said that the intellectual force will be the pioneer in leading the major transformation of the economy as well as the application of scientific and technical achievements.

Building a contingent of intellectuals must be implemented concertedly with the revolution in transforming the economic model from resource-based economy to knowledge economy, green economy, and circular economy, Ha stressed.

Some members of the Party Central Committee proposed promoting decentralization, self-reliance, and self-responsibility; defining the leading role of the state in funding scientific research; and continuing to improve the training of leading scientists and experts, and increase incentives and allowances for them.

They also stressed the need to build an integrated center for science, education and culture; increase investment in higher education; and carefully listen to recommendations from scientists and intellectuals.

Deputy Minister of Public Security Tran Quoc To said it is essential to attach importance to building mechanisms to attract and encourage Vietnamese intellectuals abroad, especially outstanding talents in leading industries and fields, to return and devote to the homeland.

Source: VNA