November 14, 2018 | 15:34 (GMT+7)
National Assembly debate issues of public interest on November 13
The National Assembly discussed many issues of public interest during the plenary meeting on November 13.
The National Assembly discusses many issues of public interest during the plenary meeting on November 13 |
The NA listened to reports on the fight against crimes and law violations in 2018, the performance of the Prosecutor General of the Supreme People’s Procuracy, the Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court, the enforcement of court verdicts, and anti-corruption work this year.
During the following debate on the reports, matters under focus included the responsibility of officials holding the top positions in anti-corruption work, “petty” corruption, and the freezing of bank accounts and confiscation of assets acquired from corruption.
Lawmakers also paid attention to the prevention and fight against child sexual abuse, high-tech crime, juvenile delinquency and human trafficking, along with the quality of investigation, prosecution and trying work.
At the end of the debate in the afternoon, the Prosecutor General of the Supreme People’s Procuracy Le Minh Tri and Chairwoman of the NA’s Judicial Affairs Committee Le Thi Nga made further explanations on several issues raised by NA deputies.
On November 14, the NA is scheduled to listen to reports on the settlement of citizens’ complaints and petitions in 2018 and discuss the reports.
A resolution on State budget allocation in 2019 is due to be passed in the afternoon. The draft law on architecture will also come under scrutiny.
Source: VNA