Speaking at the fifth plenary session of the committee in Hanoi on June 20, Man spoke highly of the coordination between the committee and the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations, the Foreign Ministry and the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations since the beginning of 2023, contributing to creating a collective power and positive outcomes in the National Assembly’s foreign affairs.

At the meeting

In the second half of the year, he directed the committee to focus on effectively carrying out the National Assembly’s Party Delegation's action plan on defining orientations for the 15th National Assembly's activities till 2030, and a scheme on external information during the term of the 15th legislature.

In particular, the committee must pool resources to make thorough preparations for the ninth Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians, which is to be co-organized by Vietnam and the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Hanoi in September.

At the event, Deputy Head of the committee Le Anh Tuan presented a draft report on the committee's activities in the first half of this year and orientations for its work in the remaining months of this year, along with a draft scheme on external information during the term of the 15th legislature.

Permanent Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Minh Vu briefed delegates about the Party and State’s external affairs in the first half of the year.

Permanent member of the committee Pham Phu Binh introduced a draft scheme on improving the quality of evaluation for appointing and dismissing Ambassadors of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Source: VNA