November 20, 2014 | 21:11 (GMT+7)
NA passes Laws on Citizen Identification, Civil Status
Deputies at the eighth session of the 13th National Assembly passed the Law on Citizen Identification and the Law on Civil Status on November 20th...
Deputies at the eighth session of the 13th National Assembly passed the Law on Citizen Identification and the Law on Civil Status on November 20th.
The Law on Citizen Identification, which was passed with 76.66 percent of votes, is expected to lay the legal foundation for the allocation of a personal identity number to each citizen and ensure the process is implemented meticulously and in a way that helps manage society.
Meanwhile, the Law on Civil Status, passed with 76.65 percent of votes, is designed to guarantee the legal frameworks on civil status, family records and citizen identity are harmonized.
Approving the laws. Photo: VNA |
It will also avoid overlaps in the State management of ministries and agencies, thus preventing wastefulness and ensuring user-friendliness.
Also on November 20th, deputies discussed a draft resolution to amend and supplement Resolution 35/2012/QH13 on the vote of confidence for officials holding positions elected or approved by the National Assembly and People’s Council.
The resolution clearly defines the vote, including candidates, the process itself and the handling of results. However, deputies’ ideas differed on the levels of confidence measured by the poll, as well as the timing and frequency of conducting the polls.
Some also proposed applying votes of confidence to heads of provincial departments, as well as district officials. Delegates suggested candidates put forward for the votes of confidence declare their assets and incomes, and pushed for the establishment of a mechanism for officials with low confidence to step down.
Source: VNA