Accordingly, six bills are added to the 2018 program. Among them, the draft Law on People’s Security Forces (revised), is scheduled to be passed during the NA’s sixth session.

Two bills’ submission time were adjusted, namely the Law on revision and supplementation to a number of articles of the Law on Execution of Criminal Judgments and the Law on revision and supplementation to a number of articles of the Law on environmental protection tax.

Photo for illustration

Meanwhile, the draft Law on Populations, Law on Urban Development Management and Law on Communal Police were scrapped from the 2018 program.

Regarding the program for 2019, seven bills will be submitted to the NA for approval at the seventh session, including the Law on Public Administration and Law on Prevention and Combat of Harmful Effects of Alcohol. At this session, nine other bills will be submitted for debate.

The eighth session is scheduled to pass nine draft laws, including the Labor Code (revised); Law on amendments and supplementation to a number of articles of the Land Law; Law on amendments and supplementation to a number of articles of the Investment Law and Law on Enterprises. NA deputies will also discuss three other bills.

The resolution also requires that the Government should spend adequate time for discussion of draft laws to be submitted to the NA and NA Standing Committee, while rolling out measures to ensure the progress and quality of the bills.

Source: VNA