According to Vice President of the VFF Central Committee Truong Thi Ngoc Anh, the VFF Central Committee has maintained close coordination with the N.A. Standing Committee and the Government in implementing the Resolution and building annual plans for supervision and social criticism.

Vice President of the VFF Central Committee Truong Thi Ngoc Anh speaks at the session.

The VFF has also participated in specialised supervisions of the N.A. and the N.A. Standing Committee as well as in the settlement of petitions, she stressed.

Many recommendations, proposals, and criticisms from the VFF Central Committee hold theoretical and practical values, and were highly regarded by the Government and the N.A. Standing Committee, she said, adding that these serve as vital grounds for the legislative and regulatory bodies to build laws, ordinances, and resolutions that suit reality and have high levels of feasibility.

Every year, the VFF Central Committee’s standing committee holds consultations with political and social organizations at the same level to jointly determine appropriate content, subjects, and the number of supervision and social criticism activities in line with the functions and tasks of each organization; and build draft plans to send to the N.A. Standing Committee and the Government for consultations to prevent overlapping.

Over the last five years, the VFF Central Committee’s standing committees at all levels have engaged in 19,714 direct dialogues with agencies and organizations, Anh noted.

However, she also mentioned difficulties and challenges that arose in performing supervision and social criticism, saying that the quality of the work in some localities remained limited.

Participants at the National Assembly (N.A.) Standing Committee's 25th session on August 16 morning

Regarding tasks and solutions, the draft report recommended that Party committees at all levels should continue to pay attention to directing and orienting supervision and social criticism in accordance with the reality of each locality; strengthen responsibility in giving comments to the annual supervision and criticism plans.

The ministries, departments, and People's Committees at all levels should enhance collaboration with the VFF in the work, and strictly implement regulations of the 2015 Law on Promulgation of Legal Normative Documents.

Source: VNA