Admitting that the pace of streamlining is still slow, the minister said his ministry encounters difficulties in issuing guidance documents for the work.

Minister of Home Affairs Le Vinh Tan at the Q&A session

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) is assigned to revise, adjust and supplement four laws related to reshuffling the state apparatus, which are the Law on Organization of the Government, the Law on Organization of Local Administration, the Law on Cadres and Civil Servants, and the Law on Public Employees, along with relevant legal documents.

According to Minister Tan, the MoHA has submitted to the Politburo draft plans on the framework of agencies, administrative units at provincial and district levels, criteria and conditions for establishing administrative units with minimum population.

He said after the Politburo and the Government approve and issue decrees on professional agencies at provincial and district level, the MoHA will start work on streamlining the state apparatus.

Regarding the administrative procedure reform, the minister said the MoHA has proposed many solutions to accelerate the reform, such as giving more responsibility to head of state agencies in inspection work, and promote the role of the Prime Minister’s working team, ministers and chairmen of provincial People’s Committee.

Minister Tan also noted the need to continue building and perfecting institutions, with a focus on institutions for the socialist-oriented market economy, and solidifying the “one-stop” model.

Asked about personnel work regarding ethnic minority groups, the Minister of Home Affairs reported that the Government has approved a project on developing the contingent of ethnic minority cadres, civil servants and public employees, which included the goal of having at least 5 percent of cadres at all levels in local administrations being ethnics.

Source: VNA