Comprising seven chapters with 41 articles, the revised Youth Law covers Vietnamese citizens between 16 and 30 years of age along with agencies, organizations, individuals, schools, and families.

It regulates youths’ rights, obligations and responsibilities, State policies towards the youth, the responsibilities of agencies, schools, families, individuals, youth organizations, and other organizations towards the youth, and State management of the youth.

Deputies voted at the plenary sitting on June 16.

Earlier, Chairman of the NA’s Committee for Culture, Education, Youth, Adolescents and Children Phan Thanh Binh delivered a report on amendments to the draft revised law, saying that the bill was amended in a way that institutionalizes the Party’s viewpoints and guidelines and the 2013 Constitution’s articles on the youth.

It does not include detailed regulations on youths’ rights and obligations in each field, so as to avoid overlapping with other laws, Binh said, noting that to emphasize youths’ role in national development and defense in the new context, the bill reserves one chapter for stipulating their responsibilities towards the Fatherland, the State, their families, society, and themselves.

The draft amended law also regulates State policies on the youth, along with the responsibilities of agencies, organizations, schools and families towards them, so as to create a favorable legal corridor for the young to meet their responsibilities.

There is also a chapter on State management, according to Binh, assigning tasks to the Government, ministries, ministerial-level agencies, and local authorities in ensuring conditions exist for the youth to exercise their rights, obligations, and responsibilities.

Source: VNA