PANO – A forum on planning and developing Vietnam’s urban areas toward green growth and adaptability to climate change was held on August 23rd in Tam Ky city (Quang Nam province) by the Ministry of Construction, the Vietnam Urban Forum (VUF), and the UN-Habitat Vietnam Program, in association with the provincial People’s Committee.

An overview of the forum

Speaking at the forum, Deputy Minister of Construction cum Head of VUF Phan Thi My Linh held that the urbanization created an impetus for growth in all domains but also affected the environment, and especially reduced the adaptability to climate change. This is the major challenge to the nation’s urbanization process toward green growth and adaptability to climate change at the national level and international level.

Over the past years, Vietnam has recorded a fast urbanization rate, from 23.7 percent in 1999 to 35.7 percent in 2015. With 795 urban areas and cities currently, average economic growth of Vietnam’s urban cities reached 10—15 percent, two times higher than the national figure, and the revenues from urban economic activities accounted for between 70 and75 percent of the national GDP.

Serving as an engine for national socio-economic development, urban areas need to increase competitiveness, properly address shortcomings, and craft policies for sustainable urban development with the focus on green growth and climate change adaptation.

Participants discussed initiatives in urban development toward environmental protection and response to climate change.

Translated by Thuy Duong