President Ho Chi Minh. |
To the Vietnamese nation, President Ho Chi Minh represents more than a great personality, great thinker and great career. His life marked the glorious era of Ho Chi Minh, which was central to national development. Furthermore, he left behind a historic testament.
His testament is an invaluable historic document that summarises the quintessence of his thoughts and his noble soul, and includes recommendations and deep sentiments. It also gives voice to President Ho’s deep faith in the entire Party, people and army, as well as generations of Vietnamese people.
During the early days of the Vietnamese revolution, despite facing a myriad of difficulties and hardships, the Vietnamese people still firmly believed in the success of the revolution and maintained their strong warrior spirit until the final victory.
This trust brought about a momentous spiritual energy that led to the August Revolution, which successfully regained national independence after nearly a century of French domination.
In September 1969, just when the anti-US resistance war was entering its fiercest period, President Ho Chi Minh passed away. His testament, full of love, recommendations, points of reference and forecasts for the revolution, was read to a sea of silent grievers.
In addition to his recommendations for the Party, army and people, President Ho spoke of his absolute faith that “Even though our people's struggle against U.S. aggression, for national salvation, may have to go through more hardships and sacrifices we are bound to win total victory.”
He firmly believed that “No matter what difficulties and hardships lie ahead, our people are sure of total victory. The U.S. imperialists will certainly have to quit. Our Homeland will certainly be reunified. Our fellow-countrymen in the South and in the North will certainly be re-united under the same roof. We, a small nation, will have earned the signal honour of defeating, through heroic struggle, two big imperialisms - the French and the American-and of making a worthy contribution to the world national liberation movement.”
His unwavering trust served as a spiritual pillar and core factor consolidating the unyielding faith of the entire Party, army and people in the inevitable success of the anti-US resistance and bringing about national salvation and reunification. The northern and southern people were once again united under one roof, just as President Ho predicted in his testament.
A large part of his testament is dedicated to his views and thoughts on solidarity. The testament made public in 1969 comprises only 1,026 words, but 331 of which refer to solidarity and unity in the Party. Confirming the importance of solidarity, he urged “All comrades, from the Central Committee down to the cells, must preserve the unity and oneness of mind in the Party as the pupil of their eye.”
President Ho’s thoughts on solidarity were not only entrenched in the Communist Party of Vietnam, but also reached out to the international communist movement. He always placed the Vietnamese revolution in the context of the global revolution movement. At all times, he expressed his sentiments sincerely and deeply to friendly parties, and did so with a sense of responsibility, considering them part of his body.
In the end, Uncle Ho expressed his most driving aspiration, purpose in life and lifetime objectives which were for “the entire Party and people to unite to make Vietnam a country of peace, unification, independence, democracy and prosperity, thus significantly contributing to the global revolutionary cause”.
Source: VNA