A two-day seminar on the right to development and the rights-based approach was held in Hanoi on March 28 by the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ford Foundation in Vietnam.

The seminar attracted a number of representatives from relevant ministries, departments and organizations, international organizations and ambassadors in Hanoi.

The United Nations recognized the right to development is one of fundamental human rights, creating a legal framework for each person and nation to participate in and enjoy development achievements. Today, the right to develop and escape poverty is a necessary condition for peace protection,stability and human rights in developing countries.

The Vietnamese Party and State highlight the important of the human factor in all socio-economic policies to ensure sustainable development and citizens’ interests. Vietnam has gained important achievements over the past 20 years of implementing the Doi Moi (Renewal process). Economic development, improving people’s living standards, ensuring food security, generating jobs and reducing poverty have created favourable conditions for the implementation of human rights in Vietnam.

However, Vietnam still faces a number of difficulties and challenges in implementing the right to development, said Pham Binh Minh, assistance to the Vietnamese Minister of Foreign Affairs. He hoped that the seminar would be a useful forum for Vietnamese and international delegates to exchange experiences to better ensure the right to development as well as human right during the development process.

During the two-day seminar, participants will hear reports on rights to food, jobs and public healthcare services.

Source: VOV