General Luong Cuong speaking at the event

During the meeting, voters in Muong Lat district expressed delight at the nation’s outstanding achievements over the past time and expressed their trust in the Party’s guideline and State’s policies on social welfare and prevention of corruption and wastefulness. 

In the democratic and frank atmosphere, voters in the central district suggested N.A. deputies recommend relevant agencies to increase the support for the construction of resettlement areas. They also hoped that the State would build mechanisms and policies to encourage and call on businesses to invest in trading and processing agro-forestry products in the locality, thus creating jobs for local workers to contribute to local hunger elimination and poverty reduction efforts. 

Local voters also proposed ministries and central agencies to support Muong Lat district in implementing the national target program on socio-economic development in ethnic and mountainous localities, soon have policies to support kindergarten teachers and provide textbooks for poor localities, and accelerate assistance for forest protection forces in the locality.

At the meeting

Speaking at the event, General Luong Cuong treasured voters’ democratic spirit, frankness, and enthusiasm. The GDP’s Chief took the occasion to brief voters on the regional and global situations that may have impact on politics, socio-economy, defense and security, and diplomacy of countries, including Vietnam. Domestically, the macroeconomic situation remains stable; inflation is under control; agricultural, forestry and fishery production grows; trade and service sectors continue to develop; the life of people and workers is stable; defense, security, and territorial sovereignty are firmly maintained; social order and safety are protected. The fight against corruption and negative phenomena has been promoted and achieved many results, contributing to raising the people's trust in the Party.

He considered the collection of opinions on the Draft Land Law (amended) of voters across the country a broad political and social activity, attracting the concern of locals, intellectuals, overseas Vietnamese, and organizations and businesses operating in Vietnam.

General Cuong highly appreciated achievements obtained by the Party Organization, authorities, and people of Muong Lat district in the first quarter of this year. Despite difficulties caused by geographical features, weather, and poor living and production conditions, the locality’s socio-economic situation remains stable. The Party and political system building has been synchronously and effectively implemented; defense and security postures have been strengthened, and ethnic people’s living standards have improved.

General Luong Cuong talking with voters

Highly appreciating voters’ valuable comments, General Cuong said that N.A. deputies would collect their opinions and proposals and promised that Thanh Hoa province’s N.A. deputies would convey them to the N.A. and relevant agencies to thoroughly consider before reporting back to voters in the soonest time.

On the occasion, General Luong Cuong handed over 100 gifts from the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense to needy local people. The Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank and the Military Industry-Telecoms Group (Viettel) presented financial assistance to the construction of 100 houses for needy households in the locality.

Translated by Tran Hoai