In the article, the N.A. leader mourns the great loss of the Party, the country, the nation and people with the death of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, stressing that the Party leader has devoted nearly 60 years of his life to the Party, the country and the people.

National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Phu Trong delivers closing remarks at the 8th session of the 12th legislature.

As a leader at strategic level with outstanding capacity, the General Secretary has, along with the Politburo, the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat and the Party Central Committee, led and directed the entire Party, armed forces and people to intensify the national cause of Doi Moi in a comprehensive and synchronous manner, maximize the strength of the national unity and international solidarity, N.A. Chairman Tran Thanh Man wrote.

He stressed that the Party leader was both the “helmsman” and the initiator of the “blazing furnace” campaign, leaving a deep imprint on people’s mind and the operation of the entire political system. 

N.A. Chairman Tran Thanh Man wrote that as Chairman of the N.A. in the 11th and 12th tenures, a N.A. deputy in the 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th tenures, President of the State and General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, comrade Nguyen Phu Trong has always paid special attention to and given comprehensive leadership and comprehensive and in-depth instructions to the organization and operation of the N.A., aiming to build a really strong legislation with increasingly effective operation, deserving its role and position as the highest representative body of the people, the highest body of State power of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, contributing to the building and perfection of the socialist rule-by-law State, and meeting the increasingly higher requirements of the national cause of Doi Moi.

According to him, the Vietnamese N.A., under the leadership of the Party with comrade Nguyen Phu Trong at the helm, has made strides in the right direction in recent tenures, enhancing the quality and effectiveness of its operation, strongly upholding democracy and the rule of law, fully exercising the people’s right to mastery, keeping abreast with developments in reality, thus together with the political system helping the country overcome every difficulty and challenge to continue develop rapidly and sustainably.

The N.A.’s law-making activity continues to be accelerated, with remarkable progress in terms of both quantity and quality as well as in process and procedures, with long-term law-building programs put in place. Attention has been paid to the consistency, feasibility and transparency of the law system as well as harmony with international law, thus basically meeting the requirements of the cause of Doi Moi and national construction and defense.

The N.A.’s supervision work has been strengthened with new changes in the format, especially in question-and-answer activities and thematic supervision. The decision making process on important matters of the country has become more and more far-reaching and appropriate, meeting reality’s demands, national interests and people’s will and aspiration. The position, role and prestige of the country in general and the N.A. in particular have been enhanced in the international arena.

Overall, the N.A.’s operation has grown more and more democratic, open and transparent. The legislature has accompanied and kept close connections with voters and people, acted drastically first and foremost for the interests of the people, and effectively performed its functions, tasks and power in line with the Constitution and the law, contributing greatly to national construction and defence.

From the theoretical aspect, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong devoted much attention to the research, assessment and review of the process of reforming the N.A.’s organization and operation in particular and building a socialist rule-of-law State in general in Vietnam. He has step by step drawn out key and important issues, contributing to consolidating and developing the Party’s theories on the socialist rule-of-law State and the reform of the NA’s organisation and operation, which is significant to orienting further work in N.A. reform and building of a socialist rule-of-law State truly of the people, by the people and for the people in Vietnam.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has made drastic instructions on continuously renewing the organization and operation of the N.A., such as further enhancing capacity and quality of law building activity; building a consistent, feasible and transparent system of law; increasing the quality and effectiveness of the N.A.’s supervision work; improving the quality of decision making on important matters to ensure national interests and meet the people’s will and aspiration; further promoting external activities and international integration of the N.A. so as to raise the country’s role, position and prestige in the international arena, maintain a peaceful political environment for the cause of Doi Moi; and organizing democratic, fair and legal elections to select worthy deputies to represent the people in the N.A.

The Party leader has required the enhancement and renewal of the Party’s leadership over the N.A., noting that it is the decisive factor for the N.A. to fulfill the mission assigned to it by the people. He urged increasing democracy and the rule of law in every activity of the NA to “create greater strength and dynamism and creativity in the political system.” He also stressed that the N.A. must stay close to the people, grasp the thinking, aspirations and legitimate demands of the people, and listen to and fully reflect the people’s will and aspirations, which he said is an important factor ensuring that the N.A. makes the right decision and truly is the highest representative body of the people.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has always reminded each N.A. deputy to be fully aware of their authority and responsibility as a representative of the people. Together with reforming the N.A.’s organization, apparatus, personnel work and operation, first of all every N.A. deputy and N.A. agency must make efforts, act strongly and effectively first and foremost in the interests of the people and the country, and proactively prevent negative phenomena in the N.A.’s activities.

At the opening of the first session of the 15th N.A., comrade Nguyen Phu Trong gave drastic instructions over the reform of the organization and operation of the legislature, stressing that it is an urgent need when Vietnam is facing a host of difficulties and challenges due to adverse external impacts and limitations and weakness at home, in order to improve the legislature’s operational quality and efficiency, and successfully implement the resolution of the 13th National Party Congress, meeting the requirements in national construction and defense in the new period.

Thoroughly grasping General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s guidelines and expectations, in the time ahead, the N.A. needs to carry forward achievements and experience gained over the past nearly 80 years; renew and better its operational quality and effectiveness to best meet the country’s requirements and political tasks in the new period and to build a democratic, rule-of-law, proactive, united, and responsible legislature; constantly research and renew both operation contents and methods, improve the quality and efficiency of its operation, well perform its functions, tasks and authority in line with the Constitution and law; and promptly institutionalize the Party's guidelines and policies, meeting reality’s requirements and aspirations of the people.

In terms of organization, the N.A. will constantly overhaul and streamline its apparatus, making it more efficient; pay more attention to improving the quality of deputies, especially full-time legislators; properly follow the principle of ensuring the structure and improving the quality of deputies, with personnel quality as the focus; and consider reducing the number of deputies working in the State apparatus and increasing those who are scientists and deputies with qualifications, capacity and conditions to serve the N.A.

Regarding operation, the N.A. will continuously reform its work across all the three fucntions of constitution and law-making, supreme supervision, and making decisions on the country’s important matters.

In law-building activities, the N.A. will actively and proactively perfect the legal system and effective law enforcement mechanisms. Particularly, the legislature needs to continue building a democratic, fair, humane, complete, timely, harmonious, consistent, open, transparent, stable, feasible and accessible legal system that is capable of regulating all social relations, puts the legitimate rights and interests of people, organisations and businesses at the centre, and promotes innovation. The N.A. will focus on perfecting the legal system across all fields, promptly removing difficulties and obstacles, unleashing and promoting all potential and resources, and creating new motives for rapid and sustainable development of the country. The N.A. needs to continue perfecting the process of law building, promote the dynamism, creativity, positivity, role and responsibility of stakeholders, especially the Government, in the law-building process as well as the role of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations and people, experts and scientists.

In supervision activities, the legislature needs to work harder to identify the scope, objects, methods, and forms of supreme supervision; improve the quality of question-and-answer activities, pay more heed to post-supervision work to ensure legal effect and the implementation of the N.A.’s conclusions and resolutions.

For Q&A activities, it is necessary to continue enhancing debate and clarify responsibility of individuals. After hearing sessions, relevant resolutions will be issued, clearly defining the responsibility of concerned organisations and individuals in implementing the resolutions.

The N.A. will continue perfecting the conduct of vote of confidence for positions elected or approved by the legislature, ensuring the operational stability and efficiency of the State apparatus and the Party leadership in personnel work.

For making decision on important issues of the country, the N.A. will strengthen the Party leadership and further reform the decision-making process on matters regarding socio-economic development, state budget, state apparatus organization, key national projects and works, ensuring the common interests of the nation, and matching the will and aspirations of the people.

On the front of foreign relations, the N.A. will proactively and actively integrate into the world and boost international cooperation, contributing to the implementation of the Party’s and the State's foreign policy of openness, multilateralization, and diversification.

N.A. Chairman Tran Thanh Man concluded that while mourning General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, we strongly believe that under the Party leadership, the General Secretary’s thoughts and desire for the reform of the N.A.’s operation and organization,  will continue to be disseminated and realized through the actual activities of the N.A. for a strong, wealthy Vietnam, and more prosperous and happier people.

Source: VNA