A year of many difficulties facing the country was over. In the year, the country prevented and controlled the COVID-19 pandemic while developing the economy. The year also marked historical milestones that the entire Party, people and military sped up the realization of the targets and goals set out in the resolution of the 13th National Party Congress. The year also witnessed the unity of the people, their hearts were like one, overwhelmed with unspeakable pride, as affirmed by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong that "with all humility, we can now say that our country has never enjoyed such fortune, potential, international position and prestige as it does today.”

(Photo for illustration: hanoimoi.com.vn)

Also in that difficult time our Party's bravery and wisdom shined even more; the strength of the national unity and the dynamism and creativity of Vietnamese people was further emphasized. How admirable it was that Vietnam's economy was revived and on the rise. The country was among few countries enjoying high economic growth and its GDP in 2022 reached the highest rate in more than a decade. Moreover, the defense, security and diplomacy were strengthened, contributing to firmly defending the socialist Vietnam. Attentively, the country was highly praised for its engagement in peacekeeping and international security activities, making active contribution to the progress of humanity and the international community. Especially, the issuance of sound policies, particularly social security ones, helped improve the quality of life of the Vietnamese people steadily and significantly. Many large-scale cultural, sport and entertainment events, especially the 31st Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games 31), were held successfully.

Achievements gained in the past year were of great significance. They came from the unanimity of the entire Party, people, and military and the support of friends from all over the world. The more difficult it was, the more our Party affirmed its bravery, wisdom and foresight; the more love for the Fatherland, for the compatriots, and more efforts and contribution to the common benefit the contingent of cadres and party members had and made, respectively. Especially, the outcomes in Party building and rectification became a great source of motivation for all victories; helping understand the invariable truth that the Party building is the root of everything, the key task of the key.

As a result, our people believed more firmly in the leadership of the Party. Revolutionary practice proved that people wholeheartedly showed great solidarity at home and abroad, shining with the profound humane spirit and beautiful traditions fostered by generations. It was a great source of power to help Vietnam overcome difficulties and firmly make breakthroughs.

Together with the entire Party and people, the Military Party Organization and the whole military exerted great efforts and obtained important achievements. Promoting its over 78-year heroic tradition with profound lessons and experiences, the Vietnam People's Army continued to affirm its role, functions and tasks of a revolutionary military, and was always steadfast in the goals of national independence and socialism. It deserved to be a political force, a loyal and reliable combat force of the Party, State and people. It completed its mission and played a pivotal role in the cause of defense while maintaining a peaceful and stable environment for the national renewal cause.

Entering 2023, the country and its revolutionary cause continue to face numerous new difficulties and challenges. However, we are proud to have a glorious Party leading the heroic nation that is fostering its aspiration for a strong country and it is sure that no obstacle can stop us from going ahead.

The confidence in victory is certainly stronger when the Party has drawn valuable lessons in leadership during the revolutionary cause to overcome challenges, seize opportunities, and reap higher achievements even in the most difficult times. Those are the lessons of consensus between the higher and lower levels, and the full awareness, clear thinking, high determination and right method in actualizing the Party’s guideline and policies. Those are the maturity and growth of the cadres having been cultivated, trained and selected by the Party and “armed” with the spirit of daring to think, daring to do, daring to innovate, and daring to take responsibility for the common good.

The position and power of the country is confirmed. Our Party has drawn a bright path for the country with a system of comprehensive policies to promote the national industrialization and modernization, lifting the renewal process to a new level with the realization of the National Master Plan for the 2021-2030 period with a vision to 2050. The course and steps of the key economic regions of the country are also defined clearly. These contribute to securing the final victory of the revolutionary cause.

In the spirit and optimism of the new year, it needs to have a passionate and enthusiastic patriotic emulation spirit everywhere as Uncle Ho once taught that "In the new year, we must promote emulation, try to overcome difficulties to reap more achievements.”

2023 is the third year of implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress and the Resolution of the 11th Military Party Congress. Bringing into play the tradition of the heroic military, troops in the whole military will continue to make worthy contributions to successfully implementing the cause of national defense in the new situation, maintaining a peaceful and stable environment for national development. The Military Party Organization will focus on perfecting the leadership mechanism, seriously realizing the thematic Resolution of the Central Military Commission on promoting the qualities of Uncle Ho's soldiers, resolutely fighting individualism in the new situation; building a comprehensively-strong military, firstly in term of politics; and basically building an elite, compact military by 2025 as a strong premise for the building of a revolutionary, standardized, elite and modernized people’s military by 2030.

Welcoming the new year with the aspiration for a strong heroic nation, the entire Party, people and military join hands to arouse the invincible inner strength to firmly move towards the future!

By the Editorial Board

Translated by Mai Huong