It was an annual event jointly organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese and ministries, sectors and localities to offer opportunities for young overseas Vietnamese to deepen their understanding of the nation.

Deputy Foreign Minister Le Thi Thu Hang delivers a speech at the event.

Deputy Foreign Minister Le Thi Thu Hang attended the event. It also saw the participation of more than 120 young OVs from 28 countries and territories around the world.

120 young OVs from 28 countries and territories worldwide participate in the camp.

Speaking at the event, Deputy Foreign Minister Le Thi Thu Hang underlined that with the theme “The nation full of joy," the event was held to mark the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory, the 70th anniversary of the Capital Liberation Day and towards the 50th anniversary of the liberation of South Vietnam and national reunification day.

An art performance at the event

The camp takes place from July 14 to 29 in many localities across the country with a series of activities, including paying tribute to ancestors and war martyrs; exchanging with young Vietnamese people at home; learning about history, culture, and traditional customs; and visiting famous landscapes, historical and cultural relic sites.

Presenting flowers to young OVs

The deputy foreign minister hoped that through practical activities of the camp, young OVs will promote their love and national pride for their homeland and country and heighten their determination to contribute to the development of Vietnam.

Nguyen Khue An, aged 16 from London (U.K.), shared that she has joined many cultural exchange programs with many countries and learned new languages. However, there was nothing better than connecting with Vietnamese friends from all over the world. She also affirmed that the camp’s activities would help participants become a better version of themselves.

Translated by Quynh Oanh