The PM noted that this is his third working trip to China in a year, with each subsequent visit and discussion yielding more practical and effective outcomes than the previous ones.

PM Pham Minh Chinh meets with staff of Vietnamese Embassy in Beijing.

He reiterated Vietnam's consistent policy of developing a stable, sustainable and long-term relationship with China, considering it an objective requirement, a strategic choice and a top priority in its foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralization and diversification of external ties.

Praising the Vietnamese Embassy and representative offices in China for their role in fostering bilateral ties, he urged them to continue concretizing high-level agreements, with 287 tasks aimed at deepening the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership and building the Vietnam-China Community with a shared future that carries strategic significance.

He highlighted the need to encourage China to further open its market to Vietnamese goods, especially by expanding the list of key products in which Vietnam has strengths and China has high demand, such as agricultural products and fruits. He suggested promoting transport connectivity, including three railway lines with China and cooperation in fields where China excels and Vietnam needs, such as sci-tech, artificial intelligence, energy, digital economy and digital transformation.

He expressed his hope that the staff of the Vietnamese Embassy would continue to strive to fulfill the tasks assigned by the Party, State and Government, particularly effectively performing political and diplomatic missions, economic and cultural diplomacy, consular work and citizen protection, and overseas Vietnamese affairs.

Source: VNA