At this memorial site, there is a small room on the second floor that served as the living and working space of President Ho Chi Minh in 1939-1940 in China. The room contains simple items such as a single bed, a set of working desk and chair, bookshelves, and a few other objects.

Representatives of the Vietnamese Embassy in Algeria pose for a group photo after laying a wreath at the boulevard named after President Ho Chi Minh in the capital city of Algiers on the occasion of the 133rd birth anniversary of the late leader.

Each item in this room evokes memories about a time filled with challenges during the revolutionary history of Vietnam, showing a simple way of life, the humble and modest style of the Vietnamese leader.

On the occasion of the 133rd birth anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh, representatives of the Vietnamese Embassy in Algeria laid a wreath at the boulevard named after him in the capital city of Algiers.

On May 19 morning, they also offered incense to the President at the embassy.

The overseas Vietnamese in Laos also held various activities to pay respect to the President on the occasion.

Source: VNA