Ambassador to Argentina and Uruguay Duong Quoc Thanh briefed the N.A. leader on the operations of the embassy, and activities held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties with Argentina and 30 years of diplomatic relations with Uruguay.

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue speaks at the event.

The ambassador said he believes that N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue's visit will create new momentum for the ties between Vietnam and the two Latin American countries.

The embassy will coordinate with ministries, sectors and localities at home to realize the outcomes of the visit, he pledged.

Head of the liaison board of the Vietnamese community in Misiones province Gip Ayock thanked the Party and State for paying great attention to the Vietnamese community abroad and in Argentina in particular.

He said that the community has kept themselves updated on the situation in the home country and always looks to the homeland.

N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue informed participants on the major outcomes of his first visit to Argentina, saying that Argentine leaders highly valued the visit and gave the Vietnamese delegation's warm welcome.

He said he and Argentine leaders discussed measures to promote the comprehensive partnership between the two countries in all fields, through all channels and from central to local levels.

Argentina's top leaders showed hope to promote bilateral relations and set up strategic partnerships in particular areas, especially agriculture.

Meanwhile, Vietnam is keen on speeding up negotiations for a free trade agreement with the Southern Common Market (Mercosur), he said.

He noted that Argentina is one of the four comprehensive partners of Vietnam in the Latin American region. Two-way trade has grown fast to USD 4.8 billion last year, and recorded a rise of 40% in the first two months of 2023. The two sides are striving to raise the figure to USD 10 billion in 2025. However, investment cooperation still remains modest, he said.

The top legislator expressed hope that the Vietnamese community will integrate well into the host society, while preserving the language and culture of Vietnam.

He asked the Vietnamese Embassy to focus on promoting economic, trade and investment cooperation between the two countries, paving the way for the opening of a direct air route between the two sides.

The N.A. leader also affirmed the Party and State's constant policy of considering the Vietnamese community abroad as an inseparable part of the nation. He said the Politburo's conclusion 12-KL/TW on overseas Vietnamese affairs has laid emphasis on promoting the teaching of Vietnamese and the building of Vietnamese cultural establishments overseas and an innovation network for the community to make contribution to the homeland.

He said that the N.A. is working to review, adjust and supplement the legal system to create optimal conditions for the community to return to the homeland, with favorable policies in entry, exit and residency.

On the occasion, N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue presented the Friendship Order of Vietnam to the Argentina - Vietnam Culture Institute (ICAV) and its President Poldi María Sosa.

The ICAV leader said that she has worked at the institute for 26 years, and has a great love for Vietnam, considering the country as her second homeland.

Source: VNA