Hang rejoiced at active developments of the relations between Vietnam and the European Union (E.U.) and its member countries across spheres, from politics-diplomacy to trade, investment and development cooperation.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Le Thi Thu Hang (R) and Daniel Caspary, who leads the DASE delegation to Vietnam

Vietnam and the E.U. have reached many important agreements, creating frameworks for them to promote their bilateral comprehensive cooperation, she said, adding that the E.U. is now Vietnam’s fifth biggest trade and investment partner, and largest non-refundable aid supplier.

Hang also spoke highly of efforts by the Vietnamese National Assembly and the EP in maintaining exchange and dialogue channels effectively, and suggested the EP and DASE parliamentarians in particular continue their support for the enhancement of the Vietnam – E.U. relations in the time ahead, with priorities given to high-level delegation exchange, the implementation of cooperation mechanisms as well as commitments in the E.U. - Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), and the expansion of cooperation in the areas of the E.U.’s strengths and Vietnam’s demand like energy transition and climate change response.

On this occasion, the official proposed EP parliamentarians urge legislatures of the E.U. member countries to soon ratify the E.U. - Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA), and the EC to soon remove its “yellow card” warning on Vietnamese seafood based on the Southeast Asian nation’s efforts in seriously and fully observing the EC’s recommendations regarding the fight against illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

She lauded the establishment of the ASEAN – E.U. strategic partnership, and acknowledged the EU’s interest in the ten-member grouping.

Daniel Caspary, who led the DASE delegation, expressed his wish to deepen the E.U. - Vietnam cooperation in the time ahead, especially in political dialogues, trade, investment, and just energy transition.

He stressed importance of the EVFTA to the bilateral trade, and agreed to urge the E.U. member countries to soon ratify the EVIPA in order to benefit and open up new cooperation opportunities for businesses of both sides.

The participating parliamentarians hailed Vietnam’s role and position in the region and for the E.U.

The two sides also compared notes on regional and international issues of shared concern, and emphasized the significance of international law and respect for the U.N. Charter.

They also shared the view on ensuring freedom, security and safety of navigation and aviation in the East Sea (South China Sea), and expressed their support for the settlement of disputes by peaceful measures in line with international law, including the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea.

The DASE delegation visited Vietnam from June 19 to 21.

Source: VNA