He welcomed the positive progress in bilateral cooperation despite the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Prime Minister appreciated the mutual sharing of medical equipment and supplies for COVID-19 prevention and control, which he said contributed to helping the two countries overcome the pandemic, and is a noble symbol of the traditional friendship between the two peoples.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (right) meets new Belarus Ambassador to Vietnam Uladzimir Baravikou on October 11.

The Vietnamese Government leader suggested that the two sides increase the exchange of delegations at all levels to discuss specific measures to enhance multi-faceted cooperation between Vietnam and Belarus, especially economic and trade collaboration between the two countries in particular as well as with the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) in general.

He hoped that Belarus would create favorable conditions for Vietnamese goods, especially agricultural and aquatic products, to enter the Belarusian market, contributing to the trade balance between the two countries. The PM also asked the Ambassador to work closely with Vietnamese agencies to promote cooperation in trade, investment and tourism.

The Vietnamese leader affirmed that Vietnamese ministries and agencies will create favorable conditions for the Ambassador to fulfil the missions during his term in Vietnam.

For his part, Baravikou said that Belarus attaches great importance to the traditional friendship and cooperation between the two countries. He also agreed with the orientations on promoting cooperation outlined by the Vietnamese Prime Minister.

The Ambassador affirmed that during his term, he will make every effort to contribute to further promoting the friendship and multifaceted cooperation between the two countries, focusing on economy and trade.

Source: VNA