The Vietnamese Party leader made the affirmation during his online talks with President of the Liberation Front of Mozambique (FRELIMO) and President of the Republic of Mozambique Filipe Jacinto Nyusi.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the talks

Trong said Vietnam consistently pursues its foreign policy of diversification and multilateralization of relations, and attaches importance to cooperation and traditional friendship with African nations.

He spoke highly of Mozambique’s role, position and contributions to development in Africa, saying Vietnam welcomes the country’s candidacy for non-permanent membership at the United Nations Security Council for 2023-2024.

He also proposed measures to enhance cooperation between the two Parties and countries in the time ahead.

Nyusi, for his part, thanked the Vietnamese Party, State and people for their solidarity, friendship and support to African countries in general and Mozambique in particular during their past struggles for national liberation as well as the present cause of national construction and development.

He congratulated Vietnam on its achievements in national development and improving its role, position and prestige in the international arena, and expressed his admiration to the Vietnamese Party and State for their sound policies and guidelines in dealing with difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring social welfare, economic recovery and international integration.

Vietnam is a priority in Mozambique’s foreign policy, the leader said, expressing his hope for stronger cooperation and friendship between the two countries and parties.

Vietnamese delegates join the event.

The leaders shared the view that Vietnam and Mozambique should optimize their strengths to support each other, and tighten and deepen the bilateral ties.

They also agreed to strengthen cooperation between the two Parties, step up meetings and exchanges through Party, Government and National Assembly channels, as well as people-to-people exchanges.

The two sides should make use of their potential and strengths to boost collaboration in politics-diplomacy, education-training, tourism, culture and people-to-people exchange, while intensifying their coordination at regional and international multilateral forums, for the sake of their people, and for peace, stability and prosperity.

On this occasion, Trong noted his wish that the 12th congress of FRELIMO, slated for September, will be a success, and invited Nyusi to visit Vietnam at an appropriate time.

The Mozambican leader accepted the invitation with pleasure and invited the Vietnamese Party chief to visit his country.

Source: VNA