At the meeting 

Highlighting the development of the countries’ bilateral relations, Lam expressed his joy at the growing collaboration between the Vietnamese ministry and Mongolian law enforcement agencies, including the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs. The sides signed agreements on cooperation in crime prevention and combat, the transfer of convicted persons, extradition, and cooperation in building the cavalry force. The minister told his guest that Mongolian horses gifted to the Ministry of Public Security’s cavalry unit are in good care and condition.

For his part, Khishgee Nyambaatar reviewed the positive results achieved between the two ministries in the past time and affirmed his wish to strengthen and expand such cooperation in the future.

The ministers agreed to continue promoting the exchange of delegations at all levels and maintaining their ministries’ close and effective joint works, including the preparation for activities commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Vietnam-Mongolia diplomatic relations in 2024.

The sides will continue to promote cooperation in combating various types of cross-border crimes involving the two countries. They will enhance information exchange, share experience, cooperate in training, and improve the capacity of their personnel to prevent and effectively fight crimes such as corruption, drug trafficking, and transnational crime, contributing to maintaining peace, stability, and security regionally and globally.

The leaders said they will coordinate in the effective implementation of the cooperation agreements signed between the two countries and ministries. Additionally, they are preparing to sign cooperative documents in the fields of drug prevention and control and border crossing.

Source: VNA