At a working session with President of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) Mzwandile Michael Makwayiba in Johannesburg, Khang, who is also Vice President of the WFTU, thanked the WFTU for supporting Vietnamese people, laborers and trade unions during the past struggle for national independence and the current process of national construction and defense.

He affirmed that the VGCL is always an active and responsible member of the WFTU - the oldest center of international trade unions that stands on the position of the working class, and a reliable support for 105 million union members around the world.

At the working session between the VGCL delegation and President of the WFTU Mzwandile Michael Makwayiba in Johannesburg

Makwayiba showed his pleasure at the VGCL's activities to realize the WFTU tasks set in the Rome Declaration 2022.

He hailed the role of the VGCL, under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, in implementing activities for trade union members and laborers, contributing to the common success of the world workers' movement.

Makwayiba welcomed proposals given by Khang at the WFTU Presidential Council Meeting from March 3-4 in Cyprus and at this meeting.

He affirmed that the WFTU will always accompany and support the VGCL, especially in promoting intensive research on workers and international trade unions movements as well as the model of trade unions in countries with different political institutions, while strengthening the sharing of experience and information on trade union activities, and collaborating in organizing training activities and events.

At a working session with leaders of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) - the largest trade union under the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), Khang briefed them on the socio-economic situation of Vietnam as well as the model, organization and member development methods of the VGCL as well as Vietnam's experience in caring for, representing laborers and protecting their legitimate rights and interests.

NUM General Secretary William Mabapa shared NUM's experience in various fields, especially in building and operating a personnel training center.

The two sides discussed priorities in their operational orientations in the future, pledging to work closely together to promote the partnership between NUM and trade unions of industries through practical and effective activities.

Earlier, the Vietnamese delegation attended the WFTU Presidential Council Meeting from March 3-4 in Cyprus, and visited Greece from March 6-7 at the invitation of the WFTU.

Source: VNA