The statement was made by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh during his meeting in Hanoi on January 16 with Alain Vidalies, Secretary of State for Transport, Marine Affairs and Fisheries, attached to the Minister of the Environment, Energy and Marine Affairs, responsible for International Climate Relations of France.

The Metro 3 project using France’s official development assistance. Photo:
Deputy PM Minh highlighted progress of the Metro 3 project which uses France’s official development assistance, and described it as a typical cooperation project between the two countries.

During the meeting, Minh said Vietnam attaches importance to enhancing ties with France and wishes to deepen the Vietnam-France strategic partnership in all aspects, towards a long-term vision.

He highly appreciated France’s policy to boost economic cooperation with Vietnam, saying France is a major European investor and trade partner of Vietnam.

Secretary of State Vidalies, for his part, said the two sides have promoted cooperation in the fields of France’s strength and Vietnam’s needs such as infrastructure, transport and high tech.

The Metro 3 project is evidence for the trust and the realization of the cooperative relations between the two countries, he emphasized.

Vidalies said he wishes the two countries will create favorable conditions for developing their collaboration in civil aviation, health care and education in the near future.

Source: VNA