Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang (left) and Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs and member of the European People’s Party David McAllister

The statement was made by Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang at a reception in Hanoi on February 23 for Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs and member of the European People’s Party David McAllister, who is on Vietnam visit from February 22-24.

Quang hailed the E.U. as one of the top important trade and investment partners of Vietnam while Vietnam is the biggest trade partner of the bloc in ASEAN.

The E.U. - Vietnam Free Trade Agreement, which already took effect two years ago, has been an important driving force to lift two-way trade, making the E.U. the fifth biggest investor in Vietnam, he said.

Speaking highly of Vietnam’s development, McAllister underlined cooperation achievements made by the E.U. and Vietnam in various areas, especially in energy and environment. He affirmed Vietnam’s important role in ASEAN as well as in ASEAN - E.U. relations.

An overview of the reception

He expressed his hope that Vietnam will share its experience in building a stable, peaceful and influential country in the region and the world. He appreciated Vietnam's commitment to cooperation with the E.U., citing the deployment of two Vietnamese officers to the E.U. Training Mission in the Central African Republic as the clearest evidence.

Both sides also discussed issues of shared concern such as Vietnam's experience in achieving rapid, sustainable development that ensures social justice and human rights, promoting cooperation in maritime and cyber security, and stepping up peace and stability in ASEAN.

Source: VNA