Speaking at the event, Vietnamese Ambassador to Chile Pham Truong Giang stated on the basis of the diplomatic ties and of the comprehensive partnership since 2014, the representative agency considers boosting the countries’ trade and investment its top priority.

At the event

The seminar aimed to help Chilean firms, particularly small- and medium-sized ones, who look for partnership and investment chances in Vietnam, to understand more about the nation’s history, socio-economic, and cultural affairs.

The Vietnamese side gave an overview on the bilateral trade and Vietnam’s business climate, informing that Vietnam’s pomelo has been allowed to enter the Chilean market, so as Chile’s cherry to the Vietnamese market.

Manuel Ubilla Espinoza, president of the Chile – Vietnam chamber of commerce, expressed his wish to make contribution to strengthening the countries’ trade ties and to organizing activities that shorten geographical distance as well as language and cultural difference between them for improved mutual understanding.

Since the Vietnam – Chile free trade agreement took effect in 2014, two-way trade between the sides grew 300 percent to USD 1.2 billion last year. Vietnamese goods available in Chile include apparel, electronic devices, farm produce and seafood. Chile’s production materials and traditional goods like wine, fresh fruit, and salmon have been in favor of Vietnamese consumers.

Source: VNA