PM Phuc took the occasion to thank Hatoyama for his contribution to promoting Vietnam-Japan ties. The former Japanese PM paid great attention to developing the relationship between the two countries in all aspects. He attended many forums and workshops on Vietnam’s technology development, organized charity programs presenting wheelchairs to people with disabilities in Vietnam.

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) receives President of the East Asian Community Institute of Japan Hatoyama Yukio.

The Vietnamese PM underlined that the Vietnam-Japan strategic partnership is developing strongly across the fields, particularly economic, trade and investment cooperation.

Hatoyama expressed his joy at the robust cooperation between the two countries, and showed interest in the building of infrastructure in the form of public-private partnership (PPP) which is being discussed by the Vietnamese National Assembly.

He also suggested the two countries increase cooperation in human resources.

Japan is the largest provider of ODA for Vietnam and the second largest foreign investor in the country, as well as the fourth largest trade partner. The Vietnamese community in Japan has numbered more than 370,000, becoming the third biggest foreign community in Japan.

Source: VNA