Talking to Chairman of the Bulgaria - Vietnam Friendship Association Simeon Dimchev, the N.A. Chairman highlighted the close friendship and all-round cooperation between the two countries over the past 73 years, and underlined that Vietnam always attaches great importance to and hopes to further promote ties with Bulgaria.

N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue (right) and Chairman of the Bulgaria - Vietnam Friendship Association Simeon Dimchev

Hailing the positive contributions that mass organizations of the two countries, including the Vietnam - Bulgaria and Bulgaria - Vietnam Friendship Associations, have made to the friendship and partnership between the two countries over the past 73 years, the top legislator said that people-to-people exchange is an important diplomatic channel in promoting friendship between the two states and peoples.

He held that the 30,000-strong Vietnamese community in Bulgaria is a bridge for the friendship between the two nations.

Dimchev briefed the Vietnamese N.A. leader on major activities of the association, including those to introduce the culture, land and people of Vietnam in Bulgaria.

The same day, N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue had a meeting with Vietnamese ambassadors to Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Greece and Turkey.

N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue stressed that Europe is an important partner of Vietnam, expressing his hope that the ambassadors will show strong performance in implementing the Party’s policy regarding multilateral external relations and Vietnamese citizen abroad, and in mobilizing resources for national development.

Particularly, the N.A. leader asked the diplomats to pay special attention to economic diplomacy, pushing for the ratification of the E.U - Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) to create favorable conditions for investment activities with Vietnam.

Along with strengthening the protection of Vietnamese citizens in the European countries, the diplomat should support them in fostering solidarity and making contribution to the protection and construction of the Fatherland, he said.

Earlier, the Vietnamese top legislator visited Bulgaria’s National Museum of History in the capital city of Sofia.

Also on September 24, N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue had a meeting with the Vietnamese communities in Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Turkey, Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Noting that the Vietnam - Bulgaria partnership in politics-diplomacy has been fruitful, but bilateral trade and investment cooperation has remained modest, the N.A. leader said that his visit will focus on beefing up trade and investment ties between the two countries and boosting locality-to-locality cooperation.

N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue joins a Mid-Autumn Festival celebration in Bulgaria with the Vietnamese community.

He briefed the community on the situation at home and affirmed the Party and State’s consistent policy of considering the Vietnamese community abroad as an inseparable part and great resources of the Vietnamese nation.

He expressed his delight as Slovakia has become the second country after the Czech Republic to recognize the Vietnamese community as an ethnic minority group.

He said he hopes the Vietnamese community abroad will continue to promote solidarity and mutual support, maintain and develop the mother tongue and cultural identity, and making more contributions to the national development.

The N.A. leader affirmed that the Party and State are working hard to complete policies and laws regarding overseas Vietnamese in order to better ensure their legitimate rights and interest.

On the occasion, N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue witnessed the launch of an education promotion fund by the Vietnamese community in Bulgaria and cut the ribbon to inaugurate the Fatherland Garden – a venue for exhibition of Vietnamese products.

Source: VNA