Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Dinh Tien Dung (right) and ambassador of the RoK's prefecture Gyeonggi Kang Kum-sil

At a reception for visiting ambassador of Gyeonggi Kang Kum-sil on September 7, Dung briefed the host on Hanoi’s development, saying it posted one of the highest growth rates in the country and attracted 2.34 billion USD in foreign investment in the first eight months of this year, a 2.89-fold rise year-on-year.

Speaking on the city's development planning, the official highlighted the great potential of the Hoa Lac High-Tech Park, and spoke highly of Gyeonggi authorities’ proposals on cooperation expansion, especially in developing the park.

For her part, Kang hailed Hanoi for its development achievements, noting that as a border locality, Gyeonggi is interested in cooperation with Hanoi - the city for peace - in peace-related matters. She added that the province has many educational establishments, which is a favorable premise for collaboration in culture and education with the Vietnamese capital city.

Dung affirmed that Hanoi welcomes and creates optimal conditions for foreign investors to operate in the city, and used the occasion to invite the Governor of Gyeonggi to visit the city at an appropriate time.

Source: VNA