At the event, Nguyen Huu Hiep, Secretary of the Party Committee of Thu Duc city and Chairman of the Vietnam-China Friendship Association (VCFA) of Ho Chi Minh City, laid stress on the sound cooperation between the two parties, states and localities over the past time, saying it will chart a path for the bilateral ties to develop into a stronger and more practical fashion.

At the get-together marking the 74th founding anniversary of Vietnam-China diplomatic relations

He recalled mutual visits by top leaders of the two Parties and States in 2023, with the most notable one being the state visit by Party General Secretary and President of China Xi Jinping in December which aimed at unceasingly consolidating and developing the traditional friendship – a precious asset of the two nations' people.

Hiep said that HUFO, VCFA, the Consulate General of China and the Chinese business community in Ho Chi Minh City have worked together to organize an array of friendship, cultural, art, social and exchange activities with a view to promoting mutual understanding between the Vietnamese southern economic hub and Chinese localities, helping to nurture the time-honored friendship between the Vietnamese and Chinese people.

Wei Huaxiang, Consul General of China in Ho Chi Minh City, also attributed the practical cooperation between Vietnam and China to the regular high-level contacts and vibrant cultural exchange programs.

Besides being a leading investor with 707 new projects in 2023, accounting for 22.1% of the total number of new projects in Vietnam, China has maintained its position as the largest trading partner of the Southeast Asian country, he said, adding bilateral cooperation has brought practical benefits to the two countries and their people.

The traditional friendship between the two countries have been nurtured by generations of leaders of both sides, becoming a common valuable asset of the two Parties, States and people, he stressed, highlighting the Consulate General of China in Ho Chi Minh City pledged to continue its bridging role to promote exchanges, cooperation and mutual understanding between Ho Chi Minh City and Chinese localities, helping to enrich the Vietnam-China Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership.

Source: VNA