Truong Thi Hien, Chairwoman of Vietnam - Cuba Friendship Association in HCM City, said the Vietnam - Cuba relationship is a special and rare of its kind in the world’s contemporary history.

Truong Thi Hien, Chairwoman of Vietnam - Cuba Friendship Association in HCM City, speaks at the gathering.

For the last more than 50 years, the faithful and close-knit ties between the two fraternal countries, one in the Western Hemisphere and the other in the Eastern, have remained strong and profound. Their traditional solidarity, friendship, and comprehensive cooperation have continually been solidified and developed in all fields.

In 2021, Cuba provided medical supplies and vaccine, shared experience, and transferred technology to help Vietnam weather serious impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. For its past, Vietnam has strived to promote bilateral trade and investment links, especially in health care and biotechnology, to assist Cuba in addressing economic difficulties, she noted.

This year, HUFO and the Vietnam - Cuba Friendship Association of HCM City will work with the Cuban Consulate General in the city to organize many friendship activities and step up partnerships in economy, health care, and education, Hien added.

Ariadne Feo Labrada, a representative of the Cuban Consulate General, described 2021 as a successful year of the countries’ relations as seen in the strong development of bilateral ties in all aspects, especially since the fruitful visit to Cuba by President Nguyen Xuan Phuc in September, during which the two sides reaffirmed the continued enhancement of the solidarity, mutual support, and all-round cooperation between the two parties, states, and peoples.

The Latin American nation will always exert efforts to reinforce the political, economic, investment ties, as well as the solidarity and friendship between the Cuban and Vietnamese people, she remarked.

She also took this occasion to thank HCM City and southern localities of Vietnam to support the Consulate General and people of Cuba in Vietnam.

Source: VNA