During a reception for Vietnamese Ambassador to New Zealand and Fiji Nguyen Van Trung on May 30, the Fiji President congratulated Vietnam on its remarkable achievements in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as its impressive economic recovery and growth.

Vietnamese Ambassador to New Zealand and Fiji Nguyen Van Trung (left) presents his credential letter to President of Fiji Ratu Wiliame Maivalili Katonivere.

President Ratu Wiliame Maivalili Katonivere stated that he is interested in agriculture and rural development in Vietnam and the country's policies to improve the business environment and develop small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs); manufacturing industry and the digital economy.

Fiji desires to collaborate with and learn from Vietnam's experience in the aforementioned areas, he stressed.

The Fijian leader also expressed deep concern about the foremost challenges currently faced by South Pacific island nations, namely climate change and rising sea levels, hoping that Vietnam can cooperate within international forums on these issues.

For his part, Ambassador Trung stated that he will do his best to preserve and enhance the friendship between the two nations, as well as maximize the potential and opportunities for cooperation in areas where both sides have strengths and shared interests.

The Vietnamese diplomat also expressed gratitude to Fiji for consistently coordinating closely with and supporting Vietnam in regional and international multilateral forums. He also appreciated Fiji's recognition of Vietnam's market-oriented economic mechanism.

At the reception

Trung expressed the hope for both sides to expedite the development of legal instruments and create effective frameworks for cooperation between the two countries in terms of trade, investment, finance, and issues related to people's mobility.

The diplomat also suggested Fiji provide favorable conditions for Vietnamese residing in Fiji as well as Vietnamese enterprises investing and doing business in the island nation.

During his trip, Ambassador Trung will also pay courtesy visits to and have working sessions with senior officials of some ministries of Fiji; and meet with representatives of the Vietnamese community in the country.

Vietnam and Fiji established diplomatic relations on May 14, 1993. Currently, the Vietnamese Embassy in New Zealand serves as the representative of Vietnam in Fiji, while the Fijian Embassy in Japan is also the representative of Fiji in Vietnam.

Source: VNA