In his remarks, Russian Ambassador to Vietnam Bezdetko Gennady Schepanovich said the marking of the victory and the "Immortal Regiment" parade has become a tradition in Russia and many parts of the world to pay tribute to those who took part in the Great Patriotic War.

At the "Immortal Regiment" parade in Hanoi on May 4

He emphasized the contribution of Vietnamese soldiers to the victory, saying that they fought side by side with Soviet people in the years 1941-1945 and their names have been inscribed on the list of the road-of-memory memorial museum in Moscow, Russia.

Belarusian Ambassador Borovikov Vladimir Vladimirovich hoped that countries worldwide enjoy peace and prosperity and that the memories of the warriors in the Great Patriotic War will be preserved through ages.

The celebration also featured a photo exhibition showcasing heroic events of the Great Patriotic War in Belarus.

Before the ceremony, participants joined an "Immortal Regiment" parade.

Source: VNA